Find File Professional/General Preferences

File:FFP Preferences General.png

The general preferences are three edit

  • Enable Tooltips for hidden filenames - will show you tooltip with the full name of the file if it is long enough not to fit in the File name column.
  • Don't Add single Letters - will not add single letters to the memory of the program. For example if you search for 'a' it will show you the results but won't add it ti the auto-complete memory.
  • Allow loading search path from the clipboard - will set up the startup path during app load to the contents of the clipboard if it contains valid path.

List view options edit

The List view options control the way the list will results look. Preview is updated after changes. Each colorbox coressponds to the color of the found file's type e.g. system, hidden. When you click on a colorbox a color dialog will appear. Select the color you want and click OK.