English Grammar Worksheet/Synonyms

Answer the following questions.

Which of the following has the closest meaning to persnickety?

  1. Meticulous
  2. Sloppy
  3. Nit-picking
  4. Careful

Which of the following has the closest meaning to sagacious?

  1. Cunning
  2. Clever
  3. Wise
  4. Perfect

Which of the following has the closest meaning to bossy?

  1. Officious
  2. Lazy
  3. Authoritative
  4. Unwelcoming

Which of the following has the closest meaning to horror?

  1. Fear
  2. Terror
  3. Fright
  4. Scare

Which of the following idioms has the closest meaning to kick the bucket?

  1. Open Davy Jones' Locker
  2. Pop your clogs
  3. Lose your life
  4. Done for

You just looked up the thesaurus for angry. Two of the results are furious and heated. If your sentence is 'Mother was very ______ because the children broke the window', which word would be better? Explain. Change the following sentences using synonyms.

  1. I bought some toys at the new store and got a coupon.
  2. He said he was very hungry and needed some food.

Explain the difference between patriotic and chauvinistic.