Cookbook:Honey Gingerbread Cookies

Honey Gingerbread Cookies
CategoryCookie recipes
TimeFrom 1 hour (depends on decoration)

Cookbook | Ingredients | Recipes | Cake

Honey gingerbread is a simple and easy to prepare cookie. It may be decorated if desired.

Ingredients edit

Cookies edit

Decoration edit

Procedure edit

Cookies edit

  1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl except 1 egg, and mix until a smooth dough is obtained.
  2. Put the last egg in a cup or small bowl and beat it.
  3. Divide the dough into 5–6 portions. Take one portion and roll it out about 3 mm thick.
  4. Use cookie cutters to cut out shapes. Transfer cookies to a parchment-lined baking sheet.
  5. When the baking sheet is full, use the beaten egg to glaze the cookies.
  6. Bake at 180°C for a few minutes, until the cookies are light brown.
  7. Repeat with the remaining dough.

Decoration edit

  1. Mix the egg white and sugar to make an icing. You may need to add more sugar if the mixture is not firm enough.
  2. Place the icing in a piping bag or other plastic bag. Cut a small hole (~1 mm) in the tip.
  3. Squeeze the bag to pipe out the icing and decorate the cookies.