Clojure Programming/Examples/JDBC Examples

This page is intended to be a reference for using JDBC with Clojure. We'll create a simple blog database to see the basic functions in

For the latest, most up-to-date community-managed documentation for the library, consult Using java.jdbc on Clojure Documentation. This WikiBooks page is written around a very old version of the library and most of the examples here will not work with newer versions.

Connection Examples edit

Below are several examples of connecting to a database of JDBC through Clojure. They all depend on the Clojure Contrib library org.clojure/java.jdbc. Also, you need to have the proper JDBC jar in the class path.

Microsoft SQL Server edit

(use '
(def db {:classname ""
               :subprotocol "sqlserver"
               :subname "//server-name:port;database=database-name;user=sql-authentication-user-name;password=password"
;Add Classpath to your C:\Program Files\Java\JDBC\sqljdbc_3.0\enu\sqljdbc4.jar
;Below code demos how to execute a simple sql select query and print it to console
;This query will print all the user tables in your MS SQL Server Database
(with-connection db 
      (with-query-results rs ["select * from sys.objects  where type = 'U'"] 
           (doseq [row rs] (println (:name row)))

;;Instead of passing user and password, you can authenticate yourself using current system user (es. current windows user)
;;To do this you have to add the string "integratedSecurity=true", removing user and password
(def db {:classname ""
               :subprotocol "sqlserver"
               :subname "//server-name:port;database=database-name;integratedSecurity=true"})

;;You have also to add the "sqljdc_auth.dll" file to your java.library.path (you can find the dll file into the JDBCDriver folder /enu/auth/platform you probably download before)
;;An easy way to check what is your current java.library.path is calling this from leiningen repl
(. System getProperty "java.library.path")
;;I suggest reload the shell or the system after the dll is added

Apache Derby edit

Derby supports either client/server or embedded operation. This example uses the embedded mode.

(use '

(let [db-path "c:/derby/myblog"]
  (def db {:classname "org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver"
           :subprotocol "derby"
           :subname db-path
           :create true}))

H2Database edit

(let [db-protocol "tcp"            ; "file|mem|tcp"
      db-host     "localhost:9092" ; "path|host:port"
      db-name     "Sample"]
  (def db {:classname   "org.h2.Driver" ; must be in classpath
           :subprotocol "h2"
           :subname (str "jdbc:h2:" db-protocol "://" db-host "/" db-name)
           ; Any additional keys are passed to the driver
           ; as driver-specific properties.
           :user     "sa"
           :password ""}))

; specify the path to your database driver
(add-classpath "file:///c:/Installation/h2/bin/h2.jar")

;; Here is an example of creating a symbol in the 
;; existing namespace as an alias to a namespace
;(require '[ :as sql]) 
;(sql/with-connection db
;  (sql/with-query-results rs ["select * from customer"]
;    (dorun (map #(println (:lastname %)) rs))))

MySQL edit

The MySQL connector is fairly straightforward to set up. The classname and subprotocol are set to the values for MySQL. The db-port is set to 3306, as this is the default port for MySQL.

(use '
(let [db-host "localhost"
      db-port 3306
      db-name "a_database"]
  (def db {:classname "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" ; must be in classpath
           :subprotocol "mysql"
           :subname (str "//" db-host ":" db-port "/" db-name)
           ; Any additional keys are passed to the driver
           ; as driver-specific properties.
           :user "a_user"
           :password "secret"}))

PostgreSQL edit

The PostgreSQL connection is virtually the same as the MySQL version. The classname and subprotocol attributes are set for their appropriate PostgreSQL values. db-port is set to 5432, as this is the default PostgreSQL port.

(use '

(let [db-host "localhost"
      db-port 5432
      db-name "a_database"]

  (def db {:classname "org.postgresql.Driver" ; must be in classpath
           :subprotocol "postgresql"
           :subname (str "//" db-host ":" db-port "/" db-name)
           ; Any additional keys are passed to the driver
           ; as driver-specific properties.
           :user "a_user"
           :password "secret"}))

Oracle edit

The Oracle connector is fairly straightforward to set up. The classname and subprotocol are set to the values for Oracle. The db-port is set to 1521, as this is the default port for Oracle XE.

(use '
  (def db {:classname "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"  ; must be in classpath
           :subprotocol "oracle"
           :subname "thin:@"  ; If that does not work try:   thin:@
           :user "user"
           :password "pwd"})

Virtuoso edit

(use '
  (def db { :classname "virtuoso.jdbc.Driver"
                :subprotocol "virtuoso"
                :subname "//localhost:1111"
                :user "dba" :password "dba"  })

DataSource - Oracle edit

Here's an example of pooled db connections using the c3p0 library on top of oracle. Make sure c3p0 jars and oracle driver jar is in the classpath.

(ns example
  (:import javax.sql.DataSource

(def db {:datasource (DataSources/pooledDataSource 
                       (DataSources/unpooledDataSource "jdbc:oracle:thin:USER/PASS@HOST_IP:PORT:SCHEMA"))})

DataSource - PostgreSQL edit

Example of pooled db connection using PostgreSQL's PGPoolingDataSource class. Note that this is not recommended for production. Use c3p0 or similar instead.

(ns example
  (:import javax.sql.DataSource
	   org.postgresql.ds PGPoolingDataSource))

(let [db-host "localhost"
      db-name "example"
      db-user "username"
      db-pass "notTelling"]
  (def db {:datasource (doto (new PGPoolingDataSource)
				(.setServerName   db-host)
				(.setDatabaseName db-name)
				(.setUser         db-user)
				(.setPassword     db-pass)
				(.setMaxConnections 3))}))

DataSource - JNDI edit

Application servers typically bind data sources into JNDI:

(ns example

(def db {:name "jdbc/TestDS"})

DDL Examples edit

In the following examples we'll call the database connection db. These examples have been tested with MySQL, Postgres would use "SERIAL" rather than "AUTO_INCREMENT".

Creating a Table edit

We'll start by creating a table called blogs. This table has three columns.

  • id (Primary Key)
  • title
  • body

Derby edit

Adding a timestamp column to show off more DDL.

(defn create-blogs
  "Create a table to store blog entries"
    [:title "varchar(255)"]
    [:body :clob]
    [:created_at :timestamp "NOT NULL" "DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"]))

MySQL edit

(defn create-blogs
  "Create a table to store blog entries"
   [:id :integer "PRIMARY KEY" "AUTO_INCREMENT"]
   [:title "varchar(255)"]
   [:body :text]))

This method will create a method create-blogs that creates a table when called. You can invoke the method as follows


Exercise edit

Create a method to create a table named categories. This table has the following columns

  • id (Primary Key)
  • name

Dropping a Table edit

Below is a method to drop a table.

(defn drop-blogs
  "Drop the blogs table"
   ( :blogs)
   (catch Exception _)))

To invoke the method call it like this:


Exercise edit

Create a method to drop the table named categories.

Dropping All Object Using do-commands edit

(defn drop-all-objects
  (do-commands "drop all objects;"))

Adding Columns edit


Removing Columns edit


DML Examples edit

Okay, we've got a schema. Bring on the CRUD!


(with-connection db 
   (with-query-results rs ["select * from blogs"] 
     ; rs will be a sequence of maps, 
     ; one for each record in the result set. 
     (dorun (map #(println (:title %)) rs))))

To retrieve the CLOB column with Derby, you can convert the returned object to a String, and you must be inside of a transaction to do that.

(defn declob [clob]
  "Turn a Derby EmbedClob into a String"
  (with-open [rdr ( (.getCharacterStream clob))]
    (apply str (line-seq rdr))))

(with-connection db
   (with-query-results rs ["select * from blogs"] 
     ; rs will be a sequence of maps, 
     ; one for each record in the result set. 
     (doseq [row rs] (println (declob (:body row)))))))


This function inserts an entry into the blog table.

(defn insert-blog-entry
  "Insert data into the table"
   [:title :body]
   [title body]))

And invoking the function

    (insert-blog-entry "Hello World" "Life is awesome in the lisp world.") ))


Here's an example updating a blog entry.

(defn update-blog
  "This method updates a blog entry"
  [id attribute-map]
   ["id=?" id]

Let's update the first blog entry.

(with-connection db 
    (update-blog 1 {:title "Awesome Title"})))


; the first line allows us to say sql/with-connection instead of
(require '[ :as sql])
(defn delete-blog
  "Deletes a blog entry given the id"
  (sql/with-connection db
    (sql/delete-rows :blogs ["id=?" id])))

Transactions edit


To do:
Describe transactions

Paging edit

Oracle and HSQLDB edit

Please read

The order collection must always contain a unique ordering value.

(defn as-str [& s] (apply str s))

(defn create-query-paging [{:keys [tbl properties order predicate from max] :or {max 100} }]
  "Creates a SQL query using paging and ROWNUM()"
  (str "SELECT * from (select " (clojure.string/join "," (map #(str "a." %) properties)) 
                        ", ROWNUM() rnum from (select " (clojure.string/join "/" properties) 
                        " from " tbl 
                        " order by " (clojure.string/join "," order) " ) a "
                        " WHERE ROWNUM() <= " max
                        ") WHERE " (if-not predicate "" (str predicate " and ")) " rnum >= " from))

(create-query-paging {:tbl "mytable" :properties ["*"] :order ["id", "ts"] :from 10 :max 20} )
;"SELECT * from (select a.*, ROWNUM() rnum from (select * from mytable order by id,ts ) a  WHERE ROWNUM() <= 20) WHERE rnum >= 10"