Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...e5/2. f4/2...d5/3. exd5/3...e4

Falkbeer Countergambit
a b c d e f g h
8 a8 b8 c8 d8 e8 f8 g8 h8 8
7 a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7 7
6 a6 b6 c6 d6 e6 f6 g6 h6 6
5 a5 b5 c5 d5 e5 f5 g5 h5 5
4 a4 b4 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 h4 4
3 a3 b3 c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 h3 3
2 a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2 2
1 a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1 g1 h1 1
a b c d e f g h
Position in Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN)
Moves: 1. e4 e5 2. f4 d5 3. exd5 e4

Falkbeer Countergambit edit

3...e4 edit

After giving the pawn on d5, the e4 square is now free so Black pushes the e pawn instead of taking on f4. The idea is to ruin White's plan of opening the f file. The e4 pawn will also be quite a nuisance for White as it prevents natural development of the knight on f3. White will thus try to get rid of this pawn as soon as possible.

Theory table edit

For explanation of theory tables, see theory table and for notation, see algebraic notation..

1. e4 e5 2.f4 d5 3.exd5 e4

4 5 6

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References edit

  • Nunn's Chess Openings. 1999. John Nunn (Editor), Graham Burgess, John Emms, Joe Gallagher. ISBN 1-8574-4221-0.