Category:User non

This category sorts non-speaking users by order of fluency (1 = native, 2 = nearly native, 3 = fluent, 4 = intermediate, 5 = basic).

Code Result Sort number
{{user language|non|N}}
non-N This user can read and write at a native level in non.
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1 = native
{{user language|non|4}}
non-4 This user can read and write at a near-native level in non.
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2 = nearly native
{{user language|non|3}}
non-3 This user can read and write fluently in non.
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3 = fluent
{{user language|non|2}}
non-2 This user can read and write intermediate non.
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4 = intermediate
{{user language|non|1}}
non-1 This user can read and write basic non.
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5 = basic
{{user language|non|0}}
non-0 This user cannot read or write in non.
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(not included)

Pages in category "User non"

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This category contains only the following page.