CRE Loaded Features/Configuration/Minimum Values

First Name edit

This is the minimum number of characters you allow a first name to have. A reasonable number is 2, any more and people called Jo cannot use your store!

Last Name edit

This is the minium number of characters that a last name (surname) can have - as with first name 2 is a reasonable number.

Date of Birth edit

This is the earliest date you allow people to use as their date of birth. Of course setting this date too late will mean you cannot benefit from the custom of "silver surfers".

E-Mail Address edit

This is the shortest number of characters you would like to allow in an email address.

Street Address edit

This is the shortest number of characters in the street address that you will allow a customer to have.

Company edit

This is the least number of characters that you will allow a company to register.

Post Code edit

This is the shorted number of characters to allow when a customer registers their post code.

City edit

This is the shortest number of letters that you will allow a customer's city to be.

State edit

This is the shortest number of letters that you will allow for a state.

Telephone Number edit

This is the shortest number of digits you will allow in the registering customer's telephone number.

Password edit

This is the shortest password that you will allow registered customers to have. Make this short enough for customers to remember and long enough so that you do not open security risks.

Credit Card Owner Name edit

This is the shortest number of letters you will allow in a credit card owner's name.

Credit Card Number edit

This is the shortest credit card number that you will allow.

Review Text edit

This is the shortest number of characters that you will allow when a customer makes a review.

Best Sellers edit

This is the shortest list of best sellers that you will display on your site.

Also Purchased edit

This is the shortest list of products that will be displayed in the customers who bought this also purchased part of the page when a customer is looking at the front page.

X-Sell edit

This is the minimum number of products to be displayed in the x-sell box.