Welcome to the Arithmetic Handbook! edit

Arithmetic is a field of mathematics that deals with number manipulation. This book will teach you the ins and outs of arithmetic, including fractions, radicals, exponents, bases and more! Although it is recommended (and assumed, considering that you can read this) that you understand basic mathematics, you do not need to know any math to start reading this book! Just select the topmost page and start reading from there. There will be examples on the bottom of each page to help you understand the concepts further. Enjoy!

Wikibook Development Stages
Sparse text 0% Developing text 25% Maturing text 50% Developed text 75% Comprehensive text 100%

Table of Contents edit

Prologue edit

Part I: Beginning Arithmetic edit

Part II: Basic Arithmetic edit

Part III: Intermediate Arithmetic edit

Part IV: Advanced Arithmetic edit

Part V: Beyond Arithmetic edit

Appendices edit

Pre-Existing Material edit

Fractions edit

Advanced Arithmetic edit