Advanced Interactive Media/Project Directors/Goals and Objectives

The Goals of the Project Director are to:

  • 1) Create and enforce deadlines pertaining to the project.
  • 2) Ensure that each person in the class is aware of their job and is doing it.
  • 3) Help the team leaders manage their teams.
  • 4) Be in continuous contact with team leaders and other students.
  • 5) Create project navigation, a “how we did this” podcast, a storyboard script, and other assigned projects in a way that creatively and functionally serve the project.
  • 6) Aid the teacher in project organization by taking notes in class for future references and logging information.
  • 7) Help the teacher manage the class in respect to monitoring each individuals progress.

The Goals of the Design Director are to:

  • 1) Design a product that not only reflects the personalities of the class but also appeals to their high school target market.
  • 2) Communicate with the class all parts of the design and incorporate as much of their feedback as possible.
  • 3) Lead the design team in the overall vision and direction of the project.
  • 4) Make sure all deadlines are completed on time.
  • 5) Communicate and coordinate with other team leaders.
  • 6) Make sure the entire product has a fluid and cohesive design.

The Goals of the Audio/Video Director are to:

  • 1)

The Goals of the Interactive Director are to:

  • 1)