Ada Programming/Libraries/Ada.Directories

This language feature is only available from Ada 2005 on.

Ada. Time-tested, safe and secure.
Ada. Time-tested, safe and secure.

Ada.Directories is a unit of the Predefined Language Environment since Ada 2005. It allows various manipulations and queries of the filesystem directories.

The Package Directories edit

Used for simple directory manipulation as defined in Ada 2005.

Traversing Directories edit

Changing the current working directory is done with Set_Directory. The remaining functions are fairly self-explanatory with the exception of Containing_Directory, which returns the name of the directory containing the given directory.

   function Current_Directory return String;
   procedure Set_Directory (Directory : in String);
   function Exists (Name : in String) return Boolean;
   function Containing_Directory (Name : in String) return String;

Enumerating Directory Entries edit

This example enumerates the all the entries in the current working directory, that end in ".gpr". The Start_Search procedure is used to start enumerating a directory. It will To remove the filter criteria you can pass an empty string. Iterating through the directory involves calling Get_Next_Entry to return the next directory entry and More_Entries to check for more entries. Once the search is complete, call End_Search.

   type Search_Type is limited private;
   type Directory_Entry_Type is limited private;

   procedure Start_Search (Search    : in out Search_Type;
                          Directory : in String;
                          Pattern   : in String;
                          Filter    : in Filter_Type := (others => True));
   procedure Get_Next_Entry (Search : in out Search_Type; Directory_Entry : out Directory_Entry_Type);
   function More_Entries (Search : in Search_Type) return Boolean;
   procedure End_Search (Search : in out Search_Type);

The resulting Directory_Entry_Type has a full name, simple name, size, kind, and modification type.

  function Simple_Name (Directory_Entry : in Directory_Entry_Type) return String;
  function Full_Name (Directory_Entry : in Directory_Entry_Type) return String;
  function Kind (Directory_Entry : in Directory_Entry_Type) return File_Kind; --  Directory, Ordinary_File, Special_File
  function Size (Directory_Entry : in Directory_Entry_Type) return File_Size;
  function Modification_Time (Directory_Entry : in Directory_Entry_Type) return Ada.Calendar.Time;
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Directories;
use Ada.Text_IO;
use Ada.Directories;
procedure Main is
  Dir : Directory_Entry_Type;
  Dir_Search : Search_Type;
  Curr_Dir : string := Current_Directory;
  Put("Current Directory: ");
  Start_Search(Search => Dir_Search,
               Directory => Curr_Dir,
               Pattern => "*.gpr");
     Get_Next_Entry(Dir_Search, Dir);
     if Kind(Dir) = Ordinary_File then
     end if;
     exit when not More_Entries(Dir_Search);
  end loop;
end Main;

Directory Manipulation edit

Creating a directory is done with Create_Directory. Create_Path creates all the directories in the path. The directory path on GNAT Ada can contain either "\" or "/" characters. Rename renames a directory or file within a directory. <Delete_Tree> deletes an entire hierarchy of directories and files. Delete_Directory deletes an empty directory (non-empty directories throw a Use_Error exception. Delete_File deletes an ordinary file in a directory. Note that the Form parameters is implementation specific. On the version of GNAT Ada I'm using, it can only be used to set the encoding.

   procedure Create_Directory (New_Directory : in String; Form : in String := "");
   procedure Create_Path (New_Directory : in String; Form : in String := "");
   procedure Rename (Old_Name, New_Name : in String);
   procedure Delete_Tree (Directory : in String);
   procedure Delete_Directory (Directory : in String);
   procedure Delete_File (Name : in String);

Below is a simple example that creates a set of directories and iterates through those directories. Note that it runs on both Windows and Linux with the "/" path separator. The returned path separators are appropriate to the filesystem (e.g. Windows return "\").

procedure Main is
  Dir : Directory_Entry_Type;
  Dir_Search : Search_Type;   
  Start_Search(Search => Dir_Search, Directory => Curr_Dir, Pattern => "");
     Get_Next_Entry(Dir_Search, Dir);
     exit when not More_Entries(Dir_Search);
  end loop;
end Main;

Exceptions edit

Status_Error is raised if a directory entry is invalid or when enumerating directories past the last directory. Name_Error is usually thrown if the directory or filename is not able to identify a file or directory (either non-existent or invalid depending on context). Use_Error is thrown if directories are not supported or directories are not traversable.

  Status_Error : exception renames Ada.IO_Exceptions.Status_Error;
  Name_Error   : exception renames Ada.IO_Exceptions.Name_Error;
  Use_Error    : exception renames Ada.IO_Exceptions.Use_Error;
  Device_Error : exception renames Ada.IO_Exceptions.Device_Error;

Specification edit

--                     Standard Ada library specification
--   Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Maxim Reznik <>
--   Copyright (c) 2004-2016 AXE Consultants
--   Copyright (c) 2004, 2005, 2006 Ada-Europe
--   Copyright (c) 2000 The MITRE Corporation, Inc.
--   Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Intermetrics, Inc.
--   SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause and LicenseRef-AdaReferenceManual
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

with Ada.Calendar;
with Ada.IO_Exceptions;

package Ada.Directories is

   --   Directory and file operations:

   function Current_Directory return String;

   procedure Set_Directory (Directory : in String);

   procedure Create_Directory (New_Directory : in String;
                               Form          : in String := "");

   procedure Delete_Directory (Directory : in String);

   procedure Create_Path (New_Directory : in String;
                          Form          : in String := "");

   procedure Delete_Tree (Directory : in String);

   procedure Delete_File (Name : in String);

   procedure Rename (Old_Name : in String;
                     New_Name : in String);

   procedure Copy_File (Source_Name : in String;
                        Target_Name : in String;
                        Form        : in String := "");

   --   File and directory name operations:

   function Full_Name (Name : in String) return String;

   function Simple_Name (Name : in String) return String;

   function Containing_Directory (Name : in String) return String;

   function Extension (Name : in String) return String;

   function Base_Name (Name : in String) return String;

   function Compose (Containing_Directory : in String := "";
                     Name                 : in String;
                     Extension            : in String := "")
     return String;

   --   File and directory queries:

   type File_Kind is (Directory, Ordinary_File, Special_File);

   type File_Size is range 0 .. implementation_defined;

   function Exists (Name : in String) return Boolean;

   function Kind (Name : in String) return File_Kind;

   function Size (Name : in String) return File_Size;

   function Modification_Time (Name : in String) return Ada.Calendar.Time;

   --   Directory searching:

   type Directory_Entry_Type is limited private;

   type Filter_Type is array (File_Kind) of Boolean;

   type Search_Type is limited private;

   procedure Start_Search
    (Search     : in out Search_Type;
     Directory  : in     String;
     Pattern    : in     String;
     Filter     : in     Filter_Type := (others => True));

   procedure End_Search (Search : in out Search_Type);

   function More_Entries (Search : in Search_Type) return Boolean;

   procedure Get_Next_Entry (Search          : in out Search_Type;
                             Directory_Entry :    out Directory_Entry_Type);

   procedure Search
    (Directory : in String;
     Pattern   : in String;
     Filter    : in Filter_Type := (others => True);
     Process   : not null access procedure
                  (Directory_Entry : in Directory_Entry_Type));

   --   Operations on Directory Entries:

   function Simple_Name (Directory_Entry : in Directory_Entry_Type)
     return String;

   function Full_Name (Directory_Entry : in Directory_Entry_Type)
     return String;

   function Kind (Directory_Entry : in Directory_Entry_Type)
     return File_Kind;

   function Size (Directory_Entry : in Directory_Entry_Type)
     return File_Size;

   function Modification_Time (Directory_Entry : in Directory_Entry_Type)
     return Ada.Calendar.Time;

   Status_Error : exception renames Ada.IO_Exceptions.Status_Error;
   Name_Error   : exception renames Ada.IO_Exceptions.Name_Error;
   Use_Error    : exception renames Ada.IO_Exceptions.Use_Error;
   Device_Error : exception renames Ada.IO_Exceptions.Device_Error;


   pragma Import (Ada, Directory_Entry_Type);
   pragma Import (Ada, Search_Type);

end Ada.Directories;

See also edit

Wikibook edit

External examples edit

Tutorials edit

Ada Reference Manual edit

Ada 2005 edit

Ada 2012 edit

Open-Source Implementations edit

