Prunus 'Okame'

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Prunus 'Okame'

Okame Cherry
Binomial:Prunus x incamp
Variety:cv. 'Okame'
Type:Small tree
Light requirements:Full sun to part shade
USDA Hardiness Zone:6-9
Pruning season:Late winter (for forcing), or after bloom
Transplant:Easily transplants
Bloom season:Early spring
Shade cast:Medium
Underplanting:Can be underplanted

Okame cherry is a hybrid tree, which is one of the earliest cherries to bloom, and thus is often planted in parks and gardens. The name "Okame" is Japanese, referring to a woman who is often depicted in statues.

Description edit

More or less vase-shaped crown, densely covered in pink flowers before the leaves emerge in the spring.

Growing conditions edit

Full sun to medium shade, often does fine under high canopies. The plant prefers deep, fertile soils. Somethat drought tolerant after established.

Uses edit

As a specimen or patio shade tree. Forces well, so can also be grown for cut flowers.

Maintenance edit

A statue of Okame in Japan

Pruning for crossing branches should be done every 2-4 years. The tree is often grafted, so basal suckers should be removed if present.

Propagation edit

Generally grafted.

Harvesting edit

For forcing, cut branches just as the buds begin to expand.

Pests and diseases edit

Usually problem-free. See Prunus for a list of pests and diseases.

References edit