
(Redirected from A Wikimanual of Gardening/Muscari armeniacum)

Grape Hyacinth
Type:Perennial bulb
Light requirements:Full sun to shade
Soil requirements:Moist, well-drained, humus-rich
Propagation:Offsets, seed

Grape hyacinths are a group of plants in the genus (Muscari) of plants native to Eurasia that produce spikes of mostly blue flowers resembling bunches of grapes. There are about forty species.

Some species are among the earliest to bloom in the spring, and are planted both in flower beds as well as in lawns and woodlands. They tend to multiply quickly when planted in good soils. The most commonly planted species is Muscari armenaicum.

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Many species are used for "naturalizing" in shady lawns or woodlands.

Maintenance edit

The smaller species tolerate mowing after bloom, with little effect on the next year's display.

Propagation edit

Offsets and seeds. Self propagates readily.

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