Systematic approach to problem solving: Evaluation

PAPER 1 - ⇑ Systematic approach to problem solving ⇑

← Testing Evaluation The cycle →

The final thing you should do is evaluate how it all went. Remember we are talking about a systems development life cycle here, so if you made any mistakes or things didn't go to plan it's best to make a note of them. Then next time round you won't make the same mistake. However, the main part of the evaluation is to reflect on how successful the operational system is:

  • Review to confirm the new system meets the original objectives
  • Identify any necessary modifications
An example of a Project Evaluation
Objective Complete Notes
Create 3D models of stadia Yes These are all complete and imported
Implement a multiplayer internet game No internet multiplayer is laggy and unplayable. We need to spend more time testing.
Implement Computer player AI Yes AI is implemented, but doesn't offer enough challenge, next time we need to recruit an AI specialist